Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Easy foil baked salmon with a side of organic quinoa gluten free pasta

For The Salmon

2-3 Wild caught salmon filets (trader joe's frozen salmon is easy and convenient)
6 Tbs. EVOO
1 Tbs. lemon juice
6 tsp. Trader Joe's Dukkah nut and spice blend (or any blend you like)

For The Pasta

Ancient Harvest quinoa gluten free pasta (or any "light" pasta)
3-4 handfuls of spinach
1 lemon
Minced garlic (to taste)
A few cherry tomatoes ( I like the mixed medley)
Good asiago or Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 375

Mix the EVOO, lemon juice and spice blend in a large dish. Add salmon and make sure to cover it on both sides, cover dish and refrigerate for 1/2 an hour. Once done marinating take out and place each fillet on its own piece of foil that is large enough to wrap loosely then add the remaining marinade to each fillet wrap in foil place on baking dish. Bake at 375 for 20 min. Take out and let sit in foil until ready to plate.

Mean while boil pasta about 1-2 min. less than stated on package. Set aside.
Dice tomatoes, grate some lemon peel, grate cheese

Cover bottom of deep skillet with EVOO add spinach and garlic toss around until lightly wilted add pasta add more EVOO to cover pasta (enough to really coat it, this is your sauce) cook till warm keep warm add juice of lemon toss, add lemon peel, add tomatoes toss.

Plate salmon and side of pasta add cheese to pasta...ENJOY!

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